We Support


One Tree Planted - Non-profit organization focused on global reforestation - onetreeplanted.org

Last Prisoner Project - Fighting criminal injustice and reimagining drug policy - lastprisonerproject.org

AGHS - Agricultural Hemp Solutions architects hemp legislation to expand market growth - agriculturalhempsolutions.com

Project CBD - California-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting and publicizing research into the medical uses of cannabidiol (CBD) and other components of the cannabis plant.

GMIWH - Great Moments in Weed History Podcast patreon.com/GMIWH_podcast

The Retro - Online Rock Radio Station theretro.rocks

Active Military, Veterans and First Responders - Please write to us for for details about our Veteran Assistance Program - info@tweedlefarms.com

Medical Need, Financial Need and Senior Citizens - Please write to us for for details about our TweedleCares Assistance Program - info@tweedlefarms.com

 CBD Incubator - A CBD community in which shares news on the latest research, innovations, and their own personal experiences with CBD

 - https://cbdincubator.com/reviews/tweedle-farms/

 - https://cbdincubator.com/cbd-flower/interview-with-jason-evans-of-tweedle-farms/



OIHFA - Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Association - oregonhempfarmers.com

PCUN - Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste



Peacock Produce - Quality microgreens 365 days a year - https://peacockproduce.org/

Elsie-Jewell Christmas Food Basket Program - Food assistance for local community residents in need 

Jewell-Elsie Firewood Assistance Program - Firewood assistance for local community members in need 

Date Night Doins - BBQ for 2 - 1100 recipes and videos all with step by step pictures to show you just how easy it is to do Great BBQ…- https://datenightdoins.com/